Thursday 11 April – Eurosession, with gavotte des montagnes dance workshop

Coordination, oxytocin, community and endorphins

Did anyone make it to the Sheffield Sessions Festival? What a fab weekend! Eurosession returns to Shakespeare’s on the 11th April, with a pre-session dance workshop on gavotte des montagnes.

Come to the workshop, learn the secrets of coordinating feet and arms with the music, experience the oxytocin embrace of synchronicity, with a community of other dancers, and end up with a sweet endorphin rush.

After the workshop we’ll continue with our usual Eurosession, and you are free to play, sing, request dance tunes, chat, drink, and put the world to rights.  Bring comfy shoes that turn easily, and/or instruments if you want to play later on in the session.

Dance workshop: 8pm – 9pm
Eurosession: 9pm – 11pm
Venue: Shakespeare’s Pub ~ S3 8UB

About the workshop

Gavotte des Montagnes is dance from Brittany, where you can still experience these vibrant dances that bring the whole community together.  In this dance, people link up together to form a circle or long snaking chain. It has a 3-part structure, so people firstly have the opportunity to get in synch, secondly to rest while showing some precision listening, and thirdly to let off some energy and demonstrate stamina.

In the workshop, we’ll begin by hearing the rhythm in the music, then teaching our feet to work neatly with the music, and then learn how to enhance the flow of the dance by using the energy in our arms. No partners necessary, just follow the flow of the line. 

This dance provides an absorbing workout for bodies and brains, and is an exhilarating experience on a packed dance floor.  This workshop is brought to you by Susannah Diamond (teacher) and Jo Veal (musician).

Photo credit: Ben Reid

Keep on caring!
Eurosession is a welcoming community and we want everyone to feel safe.  Please stay home if you feel unwell.

We suggest a £5 donation for the workshop, although any extra helps us to keep Eurosession inclusive and offer fair rates to teachers and musicians. We accept cash or transfers via PayPal (see our donations page).

PS.  Mark your diary: Saturday 16 June
Another fab gig – this time with the French duo: Turbobal.

See you soon,
xx Eurosesh