Thursday 8th August, Eurosession and Schottis dance workshop

Summer is unfolding with warmth, downpours, and the Olympics. Perhaps you are heading away next week for summer festivals, but for those of us still in Sheffield, let’s come together for a regular Eurosession, and a dance workshop that can help you add some effortless Scandi style to the schottis – the Swedish version of the schottische.

As usual, we’ll follow the workshop with a juicy Eurosession, in which you can contribute dance tunes, request your favourite dance, or relax, hydrate and chat. Bring instruments if you want to play later in the session. For the workshop, ideally bring shoes with a smooth sole that can turn easily.

Dance workshop: 8pm – 9pm
Eurosession: 9pm – 11pm
Venue: Shakespeare’s Pub ~ S3 8UB

About the workshop

Dancing polska or schottis at Skint 2022.
Getting into the Scandi groove at Skint 2022 (Credits: Luc Rocher and Rawpixel)

The schottis is the Scandinavian cousin of the more familiar schottishe, so the basic rhythm is relatively easy to pick up, but in this workshop, we’ll add that all important Scandi svikt, consider some strategies that help to orientate a couple forward on the dance-floor, try out some variations for one or both partners, and add a sprinkling of style flourishes for the full Nordic persona.

You don’t need to bring a partner or have previous experience, but smooth soled shoes are helpful. This workshop is brought to you by Emily Bowden (musician) and Susannah Diamond (teaching the dance).

We suggest £5 for the workshop, although any extra helps us to keep Eurosession inclusive and offer fair rates to teachers and musicians. We accept cash or PayPal transfers (see our donations page).

Keep on caring!
We welcome diversity in our community, and encourage attention for everyone’s well-being.

Sees snart!  [See you soon!]  x Eurosesh