Find your way to waltzing heaven!
The heat is on…. As July hurtles forwards we’ll celebrate French Bastille Day, with a waltzing workshop offering insights into different styles.
After the workshop we’ll continue with our usual Eurosession of offers and requests. Bring comfortable shoes that turn easily, and/or instruments if you want to play later on in the session.
Dance workshop: 8pm – 9pm BST / UTC+1
Eurosession: 9pm – 11pm BST / UTC+1
Venue: Shakespeare’s Pub ~ S3 8UB
Zoom changes: Check below for new details

Keep on caring!
Eurosession is a welcoming community and we want everyone to feel safe. Please stay home if you feel unwell or have tested positive for Covid-19.
About the workshop:
The waltz is the most fundamental of couple dances, and this workshop will include the basic principles of the folk waltz, and take in a couple of contrasting styles from France and Scandinavia, as well as sharing ideas as to how to work well with a partner, and how to vary the dance according to dynamic styles and tune construction.
Smooth-soled shoes that turn easily are helpful, but no need to bring a partner. Instruments are welcome for playing in the session. Music and teaching from Nicky McConkey, J2ohn Stewart, Daisy Black, and Andrew Swaine.
We suggest a £5 cash donation for the workshop, although if you give more then we can better support our teachers and musicians with fair payment.
Although we will stream from Shakespeare’s again this time, you’ll need to obtain new Zoom details via our donations page.
See you soon,
xx Eurosesh