Because there’s more to mazurkas than meets the eye…
The sunshine is still with us but summer holidays have slipped by and September has come round again. There’s one more Eurosession to go before we get to celebrate Naragonia again, and they play some beautiful mazurkas in their repertoire.
Although we’ll offer a quick bal basics workshop before the Naragonia gig, we have a chance this month to devote a bit more time to delve into the more marvellous possibilities of the mazurka music and dance idiom. So we’ll use the workshop to explore the mazurka as a springboard for playful and responsive possibilities. After the workshop we’ll continue with our usual format of Eurosession offers and requests.
Dance workshop: 8pm – 9pm
Eurosession: 9pm – 11pm
Venue: Shakespeare’s Pub ~ S3 8UB
Zoom: See below for details
About the workshop

The mazurka provides a simple off-kilter framework that is both intriguing and comforting. This workshop will invite you to begin beyond the framework, building an intuitive relationship between the musical energy and our bodies’ inclination for movement, and then learning how to communicate that with another person. We’ll use simple exercises, progressing from solo to partner work, drawing on a range of modern influences for the mazurka, from blues to tango.
All levels of experience welcome. No partner necessary. Bring shoes that turn easily. The workshop is brought to you with teaching from Susannah Diamond, and music from Jo Veal.
Caring for others
Eurosession is a welcoming community and we want everyone to feel safe. Please stay home if you feel unwell.
We suggest a £5 donation for the workshop, although any extra helps us to keep Eurosession inclusive and offer fair rates to teachers and musicians. We accept cash or card.
See you soon… oh, hang on, there’s more!
PS. Did we mention the forthcoming Naragonia event?
Includes a music ensemble workshop with Toon, and an intro dance workshop – tell your friends! See info and find tickets: Naragonia Quartet – Thursday 21st September 2023
Plus, this weekend: Hathersage Village Hop – 8th to 10th September.
Includes dance workshops, an aqua-ceilidh (5pm, the Lido) and an evening dance (French, Scandi, other) (8pm Memorial Hall), and indoor camping. Cost: just £20 (not including meals), or negotiable. Contact
Right, that’ll do now,
xx Eurosesh