Can you count to five? or eight?
In February, we hope to build on July’s waltzing workshop by introducing some waltzes which are more exotic in their nature. We’ll begin with the inimitable 5 time waltz, and may then stretch our focus down to the regular 3-time, and up to 8-time.
After the workshop we’ll continue with our usual Eurosession of offers and requests. Bring comfortable shoes that turn easily, and/or instruments if you want to play later on in the session.
Dance workshop – 8pm – 9pm
Eurosession: 9pm – 11pm
Venue: Shakespeare’s Pub ~ S3 8UB
Zoom changes: Check below for new details
About the workshop:

This workshop will begin with a focus on the more exotic 5-time waltz. This will provide newcomers to the waltz with a good fundamental understanding of the more familiar 3-time waltz, but from a more advanced perspective.
Learning how to dance a waltz in an unfamiliar time signature will strengthen your non-verbal communication skills and your awareness of the mechanics of the waltz, and although being able to count can be helpful, it’s not always necessary!
Smooth-soled shoes that turn easily are helpful, but no need to bring a partner. Instruments are welcome for playing in the session. This workshop will be brought to you with the help of dance teaching from Andrew Swaine, and musical inspiration from Jo Veal.
Keep on caring!
Eurosession is a welcoming community and we want everyone to feel safe. Please stay home if you feel unwell or have tested positive for Covid-19
We suggest a £5 cash donation for the workshop, although if you give more then we can better support our teachers and musicians with fair payment.
See you soon,
xx Eurosesh