Update: This August, we are saying adieu to one of the committee. Come to our summer gathering to give Nicky a good send-off. Correction! we aren’t saying adieu to Nicky this August!*
*Apologies for misinformation… twas midnight at a festival, when I realised I’d not sent out the publicity out that should have gone out 3 days before. Yikes! So due diligence went out the window… and apparently Nicky’s plans had changed; she won’t be at Eurosession in August (meh!), but hopes to make it in September (yay!) – Susannah
Anyway, although some folk will be out and about at summer shenanigans, many said they still wanted to come to an August Eurosession. Let’s do it!
We’ll not have a workshop; we’ll have a slightly later start and head straight into Eurosession with offers and requests. Bring comfortable shoes that turn easily, and/or instruments if you want to play in the session.
Eurosession: 8:30pm – 11pm BST / UTC+1
Venue: Shakespeare’s Pub ~ S3 8UB
Zoom: Apologies, no Zoom!

Keep on caring!
Eurosession is a welcoming community and we want everyone to feel safe. Please stay home if you feel unwell or have tested positive for Covid-19.
Donations for workshops help us to support our teachers and musicians with fair payment.
No Zoom:
Apologies, we’ve decided that due to low interest in the Zoom option last time, we’ll not offer Zoom for our regular sessions in future.
See you soon,
xx Eurosesh